All Three Arts are universal and each Adept should master them in their entirety, regardless of
subsequent "specialization". Each of the Three Arts can be used in different situations to modulate
and control phenomena, people, magical beings, and others. And yet there are some subtle
nuances: The Flawlessness of the Seven Principles plays an important role when dealing with a
phenomenon. The Strategic Plan plays an important role when we have a person against us. Magic
Art plays an important role when we have a product of the Invisible against us. Magic Object. In
this case, when the Adept has a situation where he can solve the riddle in many different ways, he
chose the right approach (to act like Warrior, Strategist, or Magician) based on the explained
As for the books ... Just as the tree wants to be watered, so the Occult Student needs to be fed with
books. Not just esoteric books. The Occult Student reads everything. Scientific, artistic, legends,
fairy tales, astrophysics, anthropology, ethnology, botany, geography, medicine, and more... This
does not mean that the Magician learns his knowledge from books. The idea is that books rather
raise questions more often than they give answers, and this provides a starting point for esoteric
interpretation and transformation. Thus the Magician encounters topics he has sometimes not even
heard of and thus has the opportunity to examine them in their own light and to interpret them
through the Principles of the Teaching. The fact that a book is scientific, not occult, should not be
a prerequisite for neglecting it. We should look at each book, in its own light, and not compare it
with what we have already learned. Does not matters whether or not the book we read fits our
experience, but how we can transform and apply the new text. What is written may be completely
wrong. Does not matter. It's just a topic and we say to ourselves, "What would this topic will look
like from an occult point of view?" This provokes the Apprentice to search. Some questions will
arise, then the Apprentice will ask his Brothers and Sisters. He will ask his teacher as well. So
others will touch his examinations. There will be sharing ...
And now, about reading as reading ... The Apprentice does not wait to have free time to read.
There are no such things as "I don't have time to read." There is: "I have no desire or motivation
to read." The Apprentice does not wait to receive time. He creates time. Just as athletes train their
muscles regularly, so an Occult Student should practice reading. The regime is important. 30
minutes of reading every day in full concentration without any external irritants. Then in time, you
can increase the duration of the reading. This is how concentration is trained. When an Apprentice
reads a book, he exercises Clarity, the Distinguish, and Approach. He reads something and asks
himself the Three Questions: What? Weather? How? Look for Clarity, look for how you can apply
it in your life, how it differs from the Principles of the Teachings.
As for reading the Sacred Book of the Black Brotherhood (the Book), your heart and your
Approach are extremely important. The Book itself decides to whom to reveal itself and when to
do so. There are many reading techniques. It can be read from beginning to end in one breath, as
fiction. It can be read shuffled, opening to a random passage. It can be read from back to front:
starting with the Book of the Chosen Ones, the Book of the Legacy, the Book of the Veiled Elder,
and so on until you get to the beginning - the Book of the Book. Also, one passage can be read for
each day and then should be made an occult interpretation. There is another method - to extract
only those passages that are thematically related. The Book doesn't just want anyone to read her.