(Wang) #1
cilanged into the singular by the introduction of TLI. Translated
into the first person the sentence would run, Some one should
llo\v look after my interest as I looked after his when in office.'
For the ' disinterestedness ' of traders cp. Plat. Rep. i. pp. 345, 346.

NOTES, ZOOK 112. j.

v;v 6;. 6. IO.
.k~,~vering to rrpdrcpov pdv above. ' The natural principle that
men should rule and be ruled in turn was once the practice ; but
from corrupt motives, they insist on ruling perpetually.'
4 ydp oh nrAirns $arCov sLni TO& pcr;X:mns, 4 6ci eorvovciv roi uvp- 7. 2.
The meaning of yhp is as follows : Since there are perverted,
:I' ne11 ns true states, there are states of which the members are
IIOI to be called citizens; or, if they were, they would partake of
ilic common good.' For, as has been said at the beginning of the
treatise, &unv &XIV dpipsv KorvovLv rivh ou'unv Kal a&av eotvmviav
+do; ~ivbs ZVfKfV uuvfG7rjKviav. And the true forms of government
<ire those which regard the good of the governed.
~plUTOKpaThU, $ 6Lh Td 70;s ~pbTOu9 ':pXflV, 3 6d T6 Vfdf 16 $plLVOV. 7. 3
Of course in reality the first of the two etymologies is the true
nix, but Aristotle, like Plato in the Cratylus, regards the relation
n.hich tlic component +arts of words bear to one another as
variable. He is fond of etymological meanings and sometimes
forces the etymology to suit the meaning, e.g. uw+pou;q, &E u&[uuuic

  1. $pdqurv, Nic. Eth. vi, 5. 5 j ; from F~os, Nic. Eth. ii. 1.5 I ;
    &rov o"ri 6ixu bdv, Kic. Eth. v. 4. g ; pKCip1OV dnb TO; xnipw, Nic.
    Fth. vii. 11. 5 z ; TIpOKpQTift.. $ &b rlpgp&~~ dtTda, Nic. Eth. viii.

  2. I.
    The first of the two explanations of dprcrroupada is more in
    accordance not only with the principles of etymology but with the
    hcts of history, if we take +mor in the sense in which the word
    uould have been understood by Alcaeus or Theognis : the second
    best to Aristotle's ideal state.
    noX1rtia. 7. 3.
    In Ethics viii. 10. $ I this is identified with TI~OK~T~=$ civb TW-
    PdTw ToXlrdn, a government based upon a property qualification (4~
    TiPoKpnTi+ Xe'yciv okciov $a;vfTO1, ToXlrc;av 8' ah+ ri60nurv oi nhcinroc

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