(Wang) #1
122 Ah'lSTOTLE'S P0LlTlC.S.

we say that they differ in their constitutions.' The three word:.
noXirtupa, sohtrtia, m;Xis have three primary gradations of meaning ~
I) xoXirrupa=the government, i. e. the persons through whom thr
government acts ; ao)rrrda= the government administering and
being administered, i. e. the state or constitution ; sdhis= the wholt.
state including the government, But these senses pass into one

    1. KaB' Grrov h~r/3a'Xh pdpos &rimy TO; fiv Kahk
      pipes is to be taken with Kfl6' Onuov, the genitive roS 6;iv raXir i3
      partitive. hriShXXu, sc. <K&JYC~ rb fijv KaXSs or impersonally. For
      the meaning of this vord cp. note on ii. 3. 5 4.

    1. UuV~p~Oy+fl1^62 Kfli 70; [GV &KfV OhO; (bWS yhp &€UT[^71 10; Knh6
      p6prov), mi uuvixouui riv soXirrKjs Kotvwviav Kai Kar& rb [iju alrb pduov.
      bv prj rois Xahmois KaTh rbv 8;ov 6rrcppBhXXg Xiav.
      Cp. Plat. Polit. 301 E, 302 A : 'And when the foundation oi
      politics is in the letter only and in custom, and knowledge is
      divorced from action, can we wonder, Socrates, at the miseries that
      there arc, and alnays will be, in States? Any other art, built on
      such a foundation, would be utterly undermined,-there can be no
      doubt of that. Ought we not rather to wonder at the strength of
      the political bond? For States have endured all this, time out of
      mind, and yet some of them still remain and are not overthrom
      though many of them, like ships foundering at sea, are perishillg
      and have perished and will hereafter perish, through the incapacity
      of their pilots and crew, who have the Lvorst sort of ignorance of
      the highest truths,-I mean to say, that they are wholly un-
      acquainted with politics, of which, above all other sciences, they
      believe themselves to have acquired the most perfect knowledge.'

  1. j. is Zsoiuqs rivdr clqpepias iv &+ Kai yXuK6rvror @uurrcijs : cp. Nic. Eth,
    is. 9. 8 7, si, 62 [iju rwv rta8' &T& dyaO&v rai {Siov K.T.A.

    1. &av 8; roxkwv crs yiyrai Ka'l adds.
      alrbr refers inaccurately either to the trainer or to the pilot.

    1. r?i akoi dya8lv.
      The reflesive refers to the principal subject d[toGims : but 1.

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