(Wang) #1

  1. 2.^4 82 xwpa roiudu.
    'The common or inclusive element of the state,' an element
    in which all are concerned ' ; or, if the phrase be modernized, <the
    land is a great public interest.'
    The word is here usecl nearly as in rA ~orubu = 'public ' or

  • common ' : elsewhere in the sense of comprehensive,' ' general;
    (Nc. Eth. ii. 2. $ 2) ; applicable to the larger or more inclusive CIR:S.
    the more popular constitution (supra ii. 6. 8 4), the more general]!
    useful branch of knowledge (Rhet. i. 1, 1354 b. 29).

    1. KatP ~K~UT~U piu otv 7roXirciav riru r?prpL;vwu &ap+ro$irqror^4 rphir
      sivas ippxcrv 6r? mis yAp ~vpior~ BinqGpovviu iXhijXou, obu 4 piu r+ 6ui
      nhouuiov 4 8; r4 8rh ri)u crrrou6a;wu riu8pSv rbni, rai riru AhXou i~&q
      rbv ahbu T~~TOU. dhh' Gpws uao?ioGpcv, Grau TC$ rbv ahbv sat$'
      hdpxv XpdVOV, a& 6LOplU7iOU.
      ' There is no difficulty in determining who are to be the gown-
      ing body in an oligarchy or aristocracy or democracy; for the
      nature of these is really implied in the name. The difficulty arises
      only when the few and the many and the virtuous are living
      together in the same city: how are their respective claims to be
      dctermined? For any of them, carried out consistently, involve!
      an absurtliiy.'

  1. 6, ri 6; rbv +iO+ ctv ihiyor xdpnau oi riu dpfriu rxovvs, rba bfi

' How are ve to decide between them : or how are \ye to arrange
For GrtXtb

Sieheiv rb rpdrov ;

the state having regard both to virtues and number? '
bee ii. 2. $ I : also riua rp6mv uwi'pqvrak, iv. 1. IO.

  1. 6.^8 rb dhiyor vpbr rb Zpyov 6si monsiv, 6; Gvuaroi 6roiKr;v rjv &V i
    rouohor rb 7rhi6os dur' rbar 7rolru ;( abroiv ;
    'Must we consider their fewness relatively to their duties, and
    whether they are able to govern a state, or numerous enough to
    form a state of themselves? '
    ~b dXiyoi=' the idea of the few,' like rb ok supra c. 9. 4 2.
    rpbs rb rpyov may be taken either with 6ri UKO~C~V, or with ~bd.X[yol
    TOUOGTOG is dependent on si. understood from ti ~woTo'~=$ 6fi
    oronrt ti rouoiroi rb nhiPor tiui.

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