- rrjv 6; BaorXclav rivayraiov 4 roiJvopa pdvov t,yw O~X okav, 4 a,rf
aoXhIjv hmpoxju cfvot rrjv 706 @aoiAr;ovros, ijmc rrju rupavvlSa ~cbp$nl~
o&av nAeiurov ~H~XX'LV no'hrrdap, 6ck~pov 62 rrju 6htyapXiav (6 rhp
dprmoKparLa BiiuvKcv ;si, 7a;qs soh3 rjs nohirda~).
Royalty and tyranny both depend upon the individual vi11 of
the king or tyrant: hence it is argued that if royalty is the best,
tyranny must be the worst of governments, because one is the pre-
eminence of good, the other of evil. Aristode, who is oyer-
mastered by the idea of opposites, naturally infers that the very
worst must be the opposite of the very best.
We might expect atrjs, or r+ dpiurqs to be added;
but hristotle substitutes the more general nohrrcia here, as &e-
where, used in a good sense. Compare infra c. 8. $ 2, rfXfuTniou
6i mpi mpavvi8os cV"x0ydv iurc roi{uauBat puciav 6th ri, ?rau&v +mra
rairqv &at nohirdav, {piv 62 T~V p&whv &ai sfpi aohirrias : also for
the general meaning, Plat. Polit. 301 D, Rep. ix. 576 D, etc.
In the phrase ra;rqs rjs rroXrrfias the nord refers to dhryapxiau.
fo'q p& ov'u lis d?irc#+aro Kal T&V HP~TEPOV ov"7os.
The difference beheen Plato (Polit. 303) and Aristotle, n hich
is dwelt upon so emphatically, is only verbal: the latter objecting
to call that good in any sense, which may also be evil, a some-
\?.-hat pedar.tic use of language, which is not uniformly maintained b:
.bistotle himself. Cp. vi. 4. $ I, 8?p~pUTliV oioiv rsrrdpov peXduTq
Ij aplrq Td&
xai rtv~pdrcpov is a strange form of citation from Plato n.hich
\vould seem more appropriate to a later generation than to Aristotle.
See Essay on the Criticism of Plato in Xristotle.
2 3.
- 4-6. The programme corresponds fairly, but not very accurately,
\r.ith the subjects nhich follow. At chap, 14, before discussifi;
the causes of ruin and preservation in states, having analpsed in
general outline the various types of oligarchy, democracy, poli:!,
tyranny, Aristotle introduces a discussion respecting the powr~
and offices which exist in a single state : but of this new beginnin,"
which interrupts the sequence of his plan he says nothing here.
- I. The diversity of governments has been already discussed, but
not in detail, in bk. iii. c. 6-8.