(Wang) #1
iVOTES, BOOK ZV. 4. '59
the expression has led to tlm changes in the text. I) hrpixsrv
jsusemihl) for which there is slight MS. authority, P', P'; and
>krelino's transl. 2) +xcw an emendation of Victorius adopted by
Coraes, Schneider, Stahr, and supposed to be confirmed by a
I,L,r"Iel passage in vi. 2. 0 g ; see note on English Text. 3) The
old Translation ' nihil magis existere egenis vel divitibus' seems
to fayour hipxtrv rois cindpors 4 rois fiindporr.

RqpoKpmiav &ai rahqv. 4. 23.

p;u otv €%os K.T.X. 4.24.

m(jrqv is slightly inaccurate=' the state in which this occurs.'

Five forms of democracy are reckoned : but the first of these is
really a description of democracy in general, not of any particular
form. The words in 0 24 GXXo 6i seem to have been introduced by
mi>take. The five foims are thus reduced to four, as in c. 6 the
fiir forms of oligarchy given in c. 5 appear as four.

Srrpov dSos GqpoKparias rb psripv &auras roir mXirar &or dw- 4. 24.
i'.;c;8vvur, +pv 68 rbv udpou. BTEPOV Sh EZSOS 8qpoKparlar rb s6ur
pirtivar rGv cipxOv, Ihv plvov noX[rt/s, +pw 6i rbv vdpov.
The words OIuor Gvunc~8uuor agree with rois dvum&hxs mrh rb
ybr, as the c'hv $ r;oXirt/s does with the OIUOC hv IXs6Bspoi Qui in the
recapitulation of the passage which follows (c. 6. 9 4). In both
cases all citizens are eligible and the law is supreme : but in the first
of the two the rights of citizenship have been scrutinized ; in the
second, all reputed freemen are admitted to them without enquiry.
The latter case may be illustrated by the state of Athenian citizen-
ship before the investigation made by Pericles; the former by the
stricter citizenship required after the change. The meaning of the
\\ord dvwrr68uwor is shown by the parallel passage (c. 6. 4 3, dvuasu-
ei~ors *arb rb Y&OS) to be, ' not proved to be disqualified by birth.'

"o~t/pos 62 noiau ~iyrr oiK riya8bv cLnr noXuKorpaviqv, mirrpov

It \vould be a poetical or historical anachronism to suppose that
Homer in the words cited intended one of the senses which
Aristotk seems to think possible. The collective action of states
as distinguished from that of individuals is the conception, not of a

4 4. 27.
"0" T~C;OUS tcrrv oi G~;PXOMEE &s &nuros, d6+ov.

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