- I 8. durmoroibrar^62 Kd qs dpfrjs sbvrfs.
The connexion is as follovs :-I Different qualifixtions oftcn
coexist or are thought to coexist in the same persons ; and in&<\
virtue is a qualification for office to which all men lay claim. But
no man can be rich and poor at the same time.'
- Zrt piv 0th ciui noXtrciat nXcious, KQ~ 6ib riuns airias, sZpqrar l;pbnpov
is a repetition with a slight verbal alteration (6th rhs Qith for
Si' airi'av) of the first words of 4 7.
- Zrt piv 0th ciui noXtrciat nXcious, KQ~ 6ib riuns airias, sZpqrar l;pbnpov
- c'r r& eipqpivou.
I. e. from what has been said respecting differences in the parts
of states (supra $0 7, 8). Yet the curious argument from the parti
of animals is an illustration only ; the actual differences of states
have not been worked out in detail.
- c'r r& eipqpivou.
- z r. Kbu rt TOto;~Tov iripov l;XjeovE fh.
Susemihl (note 1199) objects that there are no others and SO the
freedmen must be meant. But surely in this phrase Aristotle i.i
merely adding a saving clause='and the like.' Cp. Nic. Eth.
i. 7. $ 21, riv ripxiv ui piv innyoy; efopo;vrflr ni 6' abe+ei ni 6'
&'~u&i rrvi mi n"XXar 6' ~"XXOS, where the last ~rords only generalize
the preceding.
- riiv 62 yvwpipov.
Sc. elS7, here used inaccurately for differences or differellt kin&
of r16q.
- riiv 62 yvwpipov.
- Th TOriTOLS XfydpfVQ KaTh T7)V alh$V l?iQ$JOpdV.
roirots, dative after r7)v ah+, and refers to nXoiros, eiyivcta, K.TA
Lit. ' the things which are spoken of according to the same principle
of difference with these,' or ' similar differences having a relation LO
these,' e. g. the habits and occupations of the notables.
- Th TOriTOLS XfydpfVQ KaTh T7)V alh$V l?iQ$JOpdV.
- p$i!J /.L;hhOV 6TdPXElV TOhS (iR6pOI'S 4 TOAS ClhdpOUS.
If the reading hipxew is retained, the emphasis is on the mordj
p?Siv piXXov which must be taken closely with it, ' that the poor shal'
be no more '-which is a feeble way of saying, shall have no more
power--lthan the rich'; or 'shall have no priority,' which gives
a rather curious sense to i~dpxyrtv. A doubt about the propriet!' Of
- p$i!J /.L;hhOV 6TdPXElV TOhS (iR6pOI'S 4 TOAS ClhdpOUS.