(Wang) #1

NOTES, BOOK rv. 8. '63

o;ou iU KapXq6dvr ,. obu 4 Aadarpouiou. 7. 4.
Elsewhere (ii. 11. $ 9) the constitution of Carthage is spoken
of as a perversion of aristocracy because combining wealth and
here it is called in a laxer sense an aristocracy because
ir combines wealth, virtue and numbers. That Sparts with all its
(is BoXircias rb K~U~U, Thuc. V. 68) might be termed a
democracy and, with all its corruption and infamy, had a sort of
virtue (d srmbv rjs noXrrcias, Id. i. 68) is the vieiv, not wholly in-
&=fensible, of Aristotle, who regards the Spartan constitution under
n1a1iy aspects, cp. ii. 9. $8 20, 22, and infra c. 9. $ 5: but chiefly
as consisting of txo elements, numbers and virtue.
iu at cis rh 860 pdvov, OLU tj i\aKcBnipouiou cis dpcrrju rc xai 7. 4.
+w, wa'r Zurc p;&s 7i)v 860 TOLTWU, GqpoKparias TE KU~ dpmjs.
The want of symmetry in the expression ck lpcrju rc wai 6jpou,
followed by Bqpowpariar rc wai riprrjs, instead of 8ipou rc wa'l apcrjs,
probably arises out of a desire to avoid tautology.
6pruroKparias piu ou'u Tapir T~U np&rqv rju dpiurqu rroXrrciau ra&a 660 7. 5.
&?q, wa'l rpirou O*mr rjs KaXouptuqs rroXrrc;as ~Souur rrpbs riu dXryapXiav
There are three imperfect kinds of aristocracy beside the perfect
alate (4 rrpLr7, tj dpl~~q TGhLTfiU) : I) the governments, such as that
of Carthage, in which regard is paid to virtue as well as to numbers
and wealth; 2) those in which, as at Sparta, the constitution is
based on virtue and numbers j 3) the forms of constitutional
government (rroh&) which incline to oligarchy, i.e. in which the
governing body is small.

b&uas riprrrroKparias, ;rr Ti p~'u ~;~q~io %Guar Grqpapr$waur rjs Apeo-

T~TIS rroXrrckas, Zmrra KaraprBpoGvrar pcrh roh~, dul i airGv ahar

T~K$c~uw, &ump
aha refers to roirw, sc. riv %apfKpfpqKUliIJ or Grqpaprqruriu sohi-
rcrbv, and this to the singular IrapiKpauru.
Cuxcp iv TOTS war' ripxi. cLopcu.
+avfporipa yip tj 66vaprs airis x.7.~.
' Now that we understand what democracy and oligarchy are, it

;rd(apcv 6' ocros O;K oeuau oh rahqu ~api~Patr~ o8rc rhs iIprp7~ 8. I.

rois Kar' dpx+ f?%GpfU.

Sc. iii. 7. $ 5.

is easier to see what the combination of them will be.'

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