(Wang) #1

ring, Susemihl, etc.), in a book like Aristotle's Politics to infer a
I lacuna' between the words o+dmLu ciorv and 8th o+auld[owurv from
the \yant of connexion.

&aarp iv Aa~t8a/pod (paor A6aav8pds rivrs kixfrpjuac KaraXCoar T$Y 1. IO.
Cp. Plut. Lys. 24-26 for an account (partly taken from Ephorus
2nd wearing rather an improbable appearance) of the manner in
which Lysander by the aid of oracles and religious imposture
conspired to overturn the monarchy of Sparta and to throw open
the office of king to the whole family of the Heraclidae, of which
he was himself a member; or, according to another statement, to
all the Spartans.

nouuaviav rbv Padfa. 1. IO.
He was not king, though of the royal family; cp. Thuc. i. 132.
idpa ylvovs rc roc j3nurAtiow &a xai iu r+ mpdvrr rip+ ixoura (nhd-
urapxov yicp rbv ~rovi%ov Cvrn @aulAL mi vlov Zrr dv+bs Gu intrpdrrrwtu).
The same mistake is repeated in vii. 14. 8 20.

K4; iv 'Eddpvy 6; pcrl@aAcu 4 aohda xar& pdplou' dMi yip r&V 1. 10, I*.
~U&YXWV POUA$V iroipuau. cis 82 71). 'Hhtahv c'rduayris iortu :rr ri)v
iv rC aoXiscdpan ,8a%[rrv ric~ cipxcis, 8rav irrr+q$&rar dpxi 71s.

The change of
@hapyo1 into a BOUX~ made the state less oligarchical. Cp. vi. 8.
$ 17, uaAcirar 61 [rb 16prov r+ ~roAircias] htla piv apd@ovhot. ,. bow 82
VW6s io76 ,~owX+ picAhov. But according to an ancient custom in
the governing body the magistrates (rhs (;Px&s = roh +,yovms) were
required to go to the Heliaea at every election-this relic of
oligarchy survived in the democracy. A like oligarchical spirit
'$as indicated in the appointment of 'the single magistrate' (cp.
iii. 16. I).
It is also possible to take the words in another way, connecting
ri)v iv 74 aohrrtiparc with tis +u 'Hhraiav instead of with T~(S dpxds.
' It ius compulsory that the magistrates should attend the assembly
Of the ruling classes, when a certain magistracy took a vote re-

dhlppxLKbV 8; KO: d zppY 6 Cis 4V r'V 7; TOXCTEi$l 'TUhg.
The revolution at Epidamnus was only partial.
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