(Wang) #1
~l~llas against the invader. NO element lay deepcr in the Hellenic
cliarncter than the sense of superiority which all Hellenes acquired
ill [lie struggle with Persia.

ROTES, BOOK ci. 4.

xrpl + 2v hfuurtvc;? pXx7v. 4. 9.
1.e. the first battle of hntinea (419 B.C. dcscribed by Thuc.
v. 70-74) in which, though the Argive army was defcatcd, the
Io00 chosen Argives (doubtless belonging to the noble fmiilics)
rcmzincd unconquered, and cut their my through the encmy.
l'iicre is nothing in the account of Thucytlides inconsistcnt with
111:s statemcnt, though he naturally dwells more on thc influence of
Laceiiaernon in effecting the change of government (Ib. 81).
iu ZupnKo6uaro 6 6ijpos ahor yrvo'prunr rijs viqs TO; xoX;~ou io; ap;h 4. 9.
';\@quaiour C'K nohirciae €is GqpcKpninv prriEahcv.
These words are not in perfect accord with the statemcnt of
Thucydides that the -4thenians were unable to cope with the
$pcusans because they had a form of government like their own,
Tliuc. vii. 55 ; but they agree with Diod. xiii. 34 fin., who says thnt
the extreme form of democracy was introduced at Syracuse by
Diocles after the overthrow of the Athenians. Nor is Thucydidcs
quite consistent aith himself; for the overthrow of the Athenian
rs]>cdition was effected by the aristocratic leader Hermocrates and
l)y :he aid of Corinthians and Lacedaemonians. (See Essay on Con-
tributions of Xristotle to History.)
mi ;u 'ApPpaK;(I. 4. 9.
See note on English text. Ambracia is said to have been
founded by Gorgus, who is described by Antonin. Liberalis (i. 4. 19
?(I. lvestermann) as the brother of Cypselus (cp. Neanthes apud
Diog. Laert. i. 98, who says that the two Perianders were dv+l
~hWou): by Scjmnus (454) he is called his son. Periander is
supposed by ;1Iiiller (i. 8. 3) to have been the son of Gorgus ; but
this is conjecture. Whether there was any real connexion, or
whether the stories of relationship arise only out of an accidental
s:milarity of names, it is impossible to determine.

oi Bvvcipcos olrror. 4. IO.
'iyho are the causes of the power of a state:' cp. supra,
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