the war was finished (Ephor. fr. 33 hIiiller i. p. 247), and \yere sent
home to beget children.
- i\&rav8pus.
For the narrative of the later life of Lysander and of his attempt
to open the Spartan monarchy to all the Heraclidae of whoin he
himself was one, and of his overthrow by Agesilaus whose claim lo
the kingdom he had previously supported, see Plutarch's Life of
Lysander, 24-26.
- i\&rav8pus.
- KLU&V^6 71). in' 'Ay~phk~ ouur$uas ~n8corv &ri rois Pnaprrdros.
For a very curious account of the conspiracy of Cinadon, tu
which he was instigated by a desire to become one of the Spartan
peers, see Xen. Hell. iii. 3. $8 4-11.
in' 'A~~uLX+ if genuine must mean against Agesilaus ' and (le.?
directly) against the Spartans.
- KLU&V^6 71). in' 'Ay~phk~ ouur$uas ~n8corv &ri rois Pnaprrdros.
- 6jhov^62 Kai TOGTO & T~E Tvprah 7iorfjufos rjs Kahovpivtp Ebvopins.
See Rergk Frag. 2-7, p. 316.
- 6jhov^62 Kai TOGTO & T~E Tvprah 7iorfjufos rjs Kahovpivtp Ebvopins.
- Hanno is mentioned by Justin, xxi. 4. He is said to have lived
in the time of Dionysius the yoanger about the year 346 and to
have attempted to poison the senate and raise an insurrection
among the slaves. Being detected and taken he was crucified with
his family.
- Hanno is mentioned by Justin, xxi. 4. He is said to have lived
- saha yhp ai noXrrciai re ncrpCurar piyviivar Kai ui aoXXai rCv Kah-
pivov dpiuroKparriv.
The gear
difficulty is the combination of the many and the few; not of
virtue with either, except from the circumstance that it SO rare]!'
exists: cp. iv. 7. $$ 3, 4, and c. 8. $ 8.
- saha yhp ai noXrrciai re ncrpCurar piyviivar Kai ui aoXXai rCv Kah-
Taka refers to rd 660, democracy and oligarchy.
- aia+lpouuL ydp riu dvopalopivov no~rrtiiv ai 6pruroKpariar TO+,
sL~ roti cioiv ai p;u +rev ai 62 p~~ov pdvrpor aGriv. nis yhp dm-
xXruoiioas p~~~ou np~s njv dXiyapXiav 6ptaoKparias KaXocuiv, T~S 62 PP"
rb lrXij60s IroXitrias.
roko have been taken as follows : I)* Aristocracies
differ from what are termed polities in the number of elements
- aia+lpouuL ydp riu dvopalopivov no~rrtiiv ai 6pruroKpariar TO+,
roira and