(Wang) #1

.\‘OTES, BOOK I.’, 9. 2. I 3

,;s,pjuctf~ n”~ TLS. &lay not the reason be that those who have these
tao qualities are possibly wanting in self control? ’
hx~ts Si, o“oa iv TOIS vdpots is wp+ipnura X&ppcv rais noXrrciats. 0. L;.
ive need not suppose any allusion to a lost part of the Politics,
to a special treatise called ‘ oi udpor.’ The meaning is that ‘ enact-
nle,,ts in the laws of states mhich are supposed to be for their
noc,d are preservative of states.’ rois udpois = ‘ their laws,’ the
article referring to mXirdais which follows.

oi S’ oi6pcuo8 rau’qv ctar piau dpfitjv. 0.7.
sahqv, sc. rb 6hryapXhrarou (or GpporrK&mrov) clvar gathered from
the preceding sentence.
Those who consider that rigid adherence to the principles of the
psisting constitution, whether democracy or oligarchy, is the only
object worthy of a statesman, carry their theory to an extreme.
They forget that happy inconsistencies ’ may be better than ex-
tremes. The Opporfunisf may do greater service to the Republic
than the 1nfransl;S.eant.

KaBdxtp pis. 0. 7.
Cp. Rhet. i. 4, 1360 a. 23, Xip 61 rZ, &xi> olKriou +BcipsuOai, ;rr

+Bfipovrat, O~OV GqpnKparin 06 pdvov dvrcpl.Livq &OFUf&pa yhai ;UTC

res Pehriurqr n-oXrrdas ai &Uar mimi ai ciui~ptuai Kai 2xirciuLpcvar

TAOS f[cL ds dXryapXlav, dXXb Kai irrirctuopCvp u+dSpa, Qump Kai $
ypvndnjo KU~ $ urpdrqs a6 pdvou dukpfva ;pXcraL cLIs rb pluou, dXhh wai
+idpa ypvxir yrudprva 4 uipir oih GiarlBerar Gure pq61 pvKrijpa SOK~~U &at.
Bd riv trrrpoxju Kai r$v rxXci+iv rfv 6auriov. 0.7.
‘On account of the excess (cp. above 2.i~ 2xrrciug) and of the
defect of the opposite qualities.’
U~pBalurr Si roiiro Ka; xrpi rhs dXXas rrohrrdas. 0.8.
dhias is used adverbially, as in Plato and Thucpdides, in the
Sense of ‘likewise.’ 3, rrpbs rb rAs SAXar
r;Xuac Zxciu, where JXXas = which we are comparing with the
virtues;’ and POI. vii. IO. 8 Io, 6tOrKfb .+ a~qv oiKiav.

Cp. Nic. Eth. ii. 4.

&r’ ;x‘XFru. 0.8.
&c is bracketed by Bekker (2nd edition) without reason ; it is
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