(Wang) #1
Dionysius contrived in five years to bring the whole propert! ui
his subjects into his treasury. Cp. also vi. 5. 4 5.

    1. pq6; aXsrdwov ij piis rbv a6r6v KXqpovopciv.
      Cp. Mill, Pol. Econ. Bk. v. c. 9. $ I, where he urges, much in thi.
      spirit of Aristotle and Plato, 'that no one person should be per-
      mitted to acquire by inheritance more than the amount of &
      moderate independence.'

    1. rp;a 6i rwa xp$ Fxcrv K.T.X.
      In this passage, which has the appearance of a digression,

See the summing up, 4 j.
Cp. Rhet. ii. 1, 13i8 a. 6, roc p2v ozv Q~J~S aLar aruroh TOLE XA~VT~P
rpia iuri rii aYra muaura ydp iuri 61' d arurchupcv r& dno8c&v.
Turr 62 raha +pdvqurs KQ~ dpcri Kai rbvoca: also Thuc. ii. GO, where
Periclcs claims FVxvoia, +pbps, dpsrrj as the proper qualities of a
statesman : KQhl +LO> TO~O~TP ddpi +yi[d?f 8s 0i8~bo ohpar ljuuov
rbar yvGrar' rc rh Giowa Ka'l ippqwcGuar rah +rX6soX;r rf KQ; xp~puio~

Aristotle is still speaking of the preservatives of the state.

  1. I. 6;vaplv TCV ;pp~ ris +X+.
    =' administrative capacity,' ' power to do the duties of the ofict..'

r&s xp;I aoltidar T~V Staipwtv.
In this passage (cp. infra &S 6fi aolfiu8ai T+ a+~~v) the word.
alpcurs and Giaipcurs are used almost indifferently, the latter addi%
to the idea of choice or selection another shade of meanin:
' discrimination or separation from others,'--' how we are to di*
criminate in the choice.'

9.4. rj ZTL C)u&'x~rai K.T.X.
Dependent on some more ZenerAl idea to be supplied from
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