(Wang) #1
XOTES, BOOK /7. 3. "37
p& otv ~oivh riiis GqpoKpariucs saOi i'ariv. a. 9.
rai.ra, i. e. 'election out of all, all over each, each over all, some
payment for services, poverty, mean birth are in various degrees
characteristic of all democracies.'

,,,av pii~~ov +,yw roir ~H6p0us rois ~~lrdpous a. 9.
is the reading of all the 31SS. except one, and is supported by
nloerbek. The phrase is peculiar : 'that the poor should no
more have power than the rich '-we might expect rather that
the rich should no more have power than the poor.' But
ilristotle is speaking of democracy in the previous passage. It
has been suggested that we should transpose the words; for the
confusion of ccnopoi and 2enpoc (ii. 11. Q 12, iii. 17. 4 4, and
v. 3. 6 8) is common, and renders such a transposition not im-
probable. But a sufficiently good meaning is elicited from the
text as it stands.

'rb 6i pcrh ro%o dxopcirai xis Z(ovui rb luov, ebrcpov 8ci rh ripipara 3. I.
StcXaiv Xthlots 76. T& HTTEYlaKOU~WV Ka'l TObS XtXloup ?uOv S6vauear 70;s
mvraKoaiois, $ oCx oGro Bel rrOhai riv Karh roiro iudrqra, 6hXh SteXciv
Ou"rWS, hflrR GK TGV lTEVT~KOU~WV bJOUS Xapdvra Kai jK dV XLALWV,
To;Irovs KLJPLOVS &ai r6v Siarpiutov Ka'r riv GrKaarqpiov.
The meaning of the first case (xdrrpou Bci rh Tipipara x.r.h.)
is that the five hundred men of property should have as many
yotes as the thousand; of the second case that the proportion
between the rich and the poor being maintained (500 = IOOO), the
electors instead of Toting directly should choose represenratives in
equal numbers and transfer to them all the electoral and judicial
pilois is the dative after GrcXciv : ' to distribute to or among the
thousand the qualification of the 500.' The clause which kc~llows
(cui.. , ?TWRKO'TiOlp) is explanatory and illustrates the meaning.
The qualification of the 500 is to be distributed among the 1000,
and so the 1000 are equal to the 500. Others take the words
nith loov GivacrBni, placing a comma at 8icXciv, 'and arrange the
qualifications so that the votes of the 500 should be equal to those
ofthe 1000, and the 1000 equal to the 500.' According to this

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