(Wang) #1
?L'OTES, BOOK vu. 9. 269
already decided. In democracies all share in all, while in oli-
garchies only some share in some employments or functions.
But we are speaking of the ideal state in which the question
remains to be considered.

Kae;?rap yirp fznopfu. 0. 2.
This passage can hardly refer to ii. 1. $ 2, for there Aristotle
is speaking of the distribution of property: here of the distribution
of functions in the state. The reference is rather to iv. c. 4 and
c. 14; see supra c. 4. $ I.

irci 62 rvyxdvopcv moaobrcs mpi rrjs Ipiurqs rokirrr'ac.... cipqrar 0. 3.

The connexion is as follows : ' But in the best state, nith which
we are now concerned, all cannot participate in all, for the trader, the
artisan and the husbandman have no leisure for education, neither
are they capable of political functions.'
It is noticeable that Aristotle
in describing the perfect state no longer, as in a democracy (cp.
vi. c. 4.), regards the husbandmen as the best material out of which
to form citizens.


crpqrar rpdrrpov in c. 8. j supra.

rois pi'khovras hdar, 0. 4.
sc. aoXiras, (tu rfi Kdhkrura .rrokrrcuop&g lrdhcr $ 3), 'citizens of
the best state.'

sdrcpov &pa Kai raika Brrlov. 0. 4.
Bekker in his second edition inserts iripors after Zippa unneces-
sarily. Without it we may translate : 'Are these also to be distinct,
or are both to be given to the same persons?'

Compare Book ii. 5. 26. 0. 5,

dkkh piv wai &E +cis Bc; cIuoi nepi ro6rovs. 0. 7.
The use of afpp'l is singular : the force of the preposition may be
paraphrased as follows: 'they too should have a near interest in
Property,' an indirect way of expressing what is more distinctly said
infra $ s Ti(s KTiUZlS rLar TOCTWV.

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