(Wang) #1
I'I'OTES, BOOK L'ZZl. j. 299
Bekker's 2nd edition, but against the authority of all the hISS. and
of William de Moerbek.
dkkh pdv otSc' Sinywyjv TE matuis cipphfl aai soir $bKhS &08~8d),n~ 5. 4.

The particle re is not easily explained.

raig roia&ais.
It may be suggested
either that I) it should be omitted, or 2) should be changed into
TL or rok, or 3) that ~n'r $ppO'vqur~ should be addcd after it from
the corresponding words in 4 4, 4 rppbc Smywylji TL uvp~jdkksrai
aai +po'yurv.
066fd $p bT&; ?TPOU$KfL '&OS.
A singular and almost verbal fancy.

  1. 4,
    ' The imperfect is opposed
    to the perfect, and therefore the immature youth is not intended
    for reason and contemplation.' Yet the meaning of rlhos is
    obscure, cp. infra $5 12, 13, i'm? ti ;V pr'v r+ TCAEL uup$aivfi TU^
    dv6pQr;ors dhiyd~~s YIyuEu6m.
    5-8 are a series of dsopiac which take the form of a sup- 6. 5-8.
    pressed dialogue. I) But a child may learn music with a view to
    a time when he will be grown up; 2) But why should he learn
    himself? 3) He id1 not appreciate unless he does; 4) Then
    why should he not learn cookery? 5) And how wi!l his morals be
    improved by playing himself rather than by hearing others
    perform? Yet infra c. 6 these cobwebs are dashed aside; and it
    is acknowledged that the truer and deeper effect of music can
    only be produced on the mind by actual practice.
    Gump oi AdKwvfs' iKsivob yhp 06 pvedvovrrs ;pwc Biwavsai Kpiucru 5. 7.
    dp&, 1s $ad, rh xprjcrsir aai rh PI) xpqurh riv pchSu.
    Cp. what Plato says of the 'timocratic man,' in Rep. viii.
    548 E, aC8a8lmcpdu TE SF; airrdv, iv ti ZyB, &ai Kai droapouudrrpou,
    ~~6pOUUOV 82 Kd @h$KOOV p6IIv, ~~70plKdV 6' Oc8ilp~S.

06 yAp 6 Z& acrds q6el Kai d3api[fl rois aoiqraG, dXhh xai @ava;uour 6. 8.

In 11. i. 603 it is Apollo, not Zeus, who plays to the assembly of

KahOGpfV soh TO1O;TOUF.

the gods.

;,ye ytip 5uar ;Sov{v rim *ai rb relor, dM' oh r$v wxohav' {qroiimcs 6. 13.

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