(Wang) #1
8; rairqv, Xappdvovuru bs rahqv lutiqv, 6ch rA T+ dhet riv npLiscou
;X<LP 6piopd r1.
There is a finality about pleasure, which leads to a confusion
with happiness. Like the greater end of life it comes after toll ;
it is sensible to the eye or feeling; it is the anticipation of itt
know not what: no account can be given of it. ra~hlv, sc. 06 Tiv
rwXoCrrav, ' the higher pleasure ;' Cu~iqv, the lower plensure.'

6, 14. 6r' $P pZv ov'v airlav K.T.X.
Cp. Nic. Eth. vii. 13. $ 6, AX' inri OGX 6 ah$ oh @&LE 0% C~LS 4
dpiurq oih' iurru oh aorsi, ob8 jSov$v BcLiKouur T+J aLrjv ndvrts, jSowjv
JJ~~OL ~dvrfs. uIu~s 6i Kai 8id~~o~u.1~ of,?( +J o?ovTal 06s' $v bv @ab,
dkkh riv aGsjv. s6vra ybp $Suer +EL TL BEioV. dXX' ciX++aur T+J TOG
bvbparos dqpovop$v ai uoparrKni $oval 6ch rb x)\frwdKls rc napaDdXXfrv
cis ofrho rai rrdvrns perlxciv otriu. 6rh ri, phas odv yvopipovs flar
sohas phas oiovrar cLac.

  1. I 4. of 6rh raiqv piivqv,
    sc. ~qr0Curv.
    ZTL 62 dKpOLpfVOL r;~ prpja~ov yt'yvoviai nrivrrs uvp~ae&, ~ni xopk

i. e. ' any imitation, whether accompanied by rhythm or song or

    1. r& c()uBp;;Y KO; siv pcX& aGrirv.

not, creates sympathetic feeling.'

    1. soph T~E dh?ervhs $;ufts.
      ' Near to or not far removed from their true natures.'

    1. oupSc',9qKc 82 riv aiut+v iv piv Tois n"XXors p+v incipxcrv rjpoiopa
      rois fecucv, oTov iv rois dnrois Kai rois yrumois, dXX' iv 765 hparois $pc'pa
      ux<paro ydp r'urr rotaka, dXh' id PLK~~V, mi ndvrcs ris rorahrqs aiuBi-
      ufos KOWWO~~ULU.
      'As to the senses [other than the sense of hearing], objects of
      sight alone furnish representations of ethical character ; (for figures
      are I) objects of sight, or 2
      ) are of an ethical character) ; but to a
      certain extent only, and this intellectual element (though feeble) is
      common to all.'
      The obscurity of the passage has led to the insertion of 0;
      before rdvrrs: but the construction is thcn abrupt and the meaning

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