(Wang) #1

NOTES, BOOK 11. a. 77
of inventions in the arts, is clear from the context. Hippodamus'
error was derived from the analogy of the arts, 18. We can
easily understand the danger of rewarding discoveries such as
were made in the conspiracy of the Hermae at Athens or in the
days of the Popish Plot in England. Aristotle admits that there
have been and will be changes in government, but he advocates
caution and insists that law should be based on custom.
ai sCxwi mi~ai rtal ai 6uvdp€ts.
Every art and science is also a power to make or become;
hence the word G6uapcs being the more general term is constantly
associated with both rCxtq and isimipv.

~vo~,, 6' aoS o; Tb s+ou cixxit Tciyae;u s~vrcs. 8. 21.
This statement goes beyond the truth. For the traditions offam-
ilies or clans are very slow in giving way, as e. g. in the constitution
of Lycurgus or Solon, to a sense of the common good. It is rarely
and for a brief space that nations wake up to the feeling of their
own nationality, or are touched by the enthusiasm of humanity.
dpoious chi ai robs TuX6vras ~al roh BUO~TOUS, &ump ai Xiytrai 8. 21.

6poious has been altered by Bernays into dXiyovs but without
reason. It may be taken I) as=bpoiovr rois yvyc&, or, z)* bpoiouc
may be joined with rtal roh ruxdvrus='no better than simple or
common persons.' Cp. Hdt. vii. 50, yuJp~ur ixpiovro cipo+pi KUI 06.
Plat. Theaet. 154 A, Z&Q ciuOp&sy 9' 8p0~ ai uoi $abrrai drtoik

KUrh T&W y?y€V@U.

bmp yhp ai nqd rhs mas rlxuar, ai 4v POXLTLK+ T~.$.Lv ci86uarow 8. 22.
dKppdGs ndvra ypa$juai.
I)* If we take solma as subject, riu soX~rckju T&$IW may be the
remote object of yp+jvat, or the words may be governed by vrpi
of which the force is continued from srpi T~S ;TXXar rlxuuc. Or a)
nju noXirrx$u rd&u may be the subject of ypa+jwat, in which case
Tima is to be taken adverbially.

dncreriu ierodtir.

0; YAP ~OUO~~U i+r~jorrar Ictrjuas, buou ~~~riucrac rois Zpxou~iu 8. 23.

CP. The. iii. 37, p782 y~~udpr$a, CL ,ycipouL wdpoic dxcvjroic
Yw+ rials KpriUUoV imiu 9 mi~c ;,youow dxipoir.
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