h'OTES, BOOK 11. 9. 83
or the legislator is only a figure of speech for the institution (cp.
>u)"a, note at beginning of chapter).
r& 7' &LKh{pUV. 0. 15.
cp. Kit. Eth. viii. 10. 5 5, iuiorc 62 ~pxouu~v ai yuuakw ixixXqpui obuor.
i rai ptrpiau. 0. 15.
j Or even a moderate one.' Kai is here qualifying. ' Better have
no dowries or small ones, or you may even go so far as to have
moderate ones.'
viv 6; L$curL Bobor r+ 2iri~hqp0~ Zrcp Bv /3oiXqrar.
viv, not 'now,' as opposed to some former time, but ' as the law
' .A man may give his heiress to any one whom he pleases' : 1.e.
heiresses may be married by their relatives to rich men, and the
e\ 11 of accumulating property in a few hands 15 111 thus be increased.
IIerodotus, VI. 57, sajs that the giving airay of an heiress whom
hcr father had not betrothed was a privilege of the kings of
5parta. There may ha\e been a difference In the custom before
'ind after the days of Epitadeus (cp. note on 5 rq), though this is not
expressed by the particle V~V.
See note on c. 5. 5 23 supra. do;vor, sc. rrud.
Xihroc rb irXij8or +YW, sc. &I res 8q$aiov ;ppoXijs, $5 IO, 16. 9. 16.
yiyovc 6i brir riv Fpywv aiiriu 8ijXov o"rr $nihos uhoir CTXC rh wepi 0. 16.
- .;1v rdttv sau'qv.
7i mpl T+ rd&v rairqv, sc. their arrangements respecting property
described in the previous sentence. For the use of rairqv with a
!ague antecedent, cp. below rairqv r$v Gdp6'ourv : also i. 2. 5 2.
hv RX~Y~V. 0. 16.
The battle of Leuctra (B.c. 371) at which, according to Xeno-
phon, Hellen. vi. 4. 5 15, one thousand Lacedaemonians and four
hundred out of seven hundred Spartans perished. The population
Of SParta was gradually diminishing. In the time of Agis Iv. reg.
2W--248 B.C. according to Plutarch (Agis, c. 5), the Spartans were
Po, and only about roo retained their lots.
~lb rfu xporipwv BalriXiov prrc6iBouav rjr xor\rrcias. 9. 17.
Yet Herodotus (ix. 35) affirms that Tisamenus of Elis, the