Internet of Things Architecture

(Elliott) #1

Internet of Things – Architecture © - 41 -

tree represents the whole set of IoT applications that can be built from the sap
(information/knowledge) coming from the roots. The trunk of the tree is of the
utmost importance here, beyond the fact it represents the IoT-A project. This
trunk represents the Architectural Reference Model (which means here
Reference Model + Reference Architecture), the set of models, guidelines,
views, perspectives, and design choices that can be used for building fully
interoperable concrete domain-specific IoT architectures (and therefore
systems). In this ―tree‖, we aim at selecting a minimal set of interoperable
technologies (the roots) and proposing the potentially necessarily set of
enablers or building blocks etc...(the ―trunk‖) that enable the creation of a
maximal set of interoperable IoT systems (the ―leaves‖).

The content of the document reads as follows: Chapter 3 and 4 are respectively
presenting the updated Reference Model and Reference Architecture; Chapter
5 is dedicated to Guidelines and Design Choices that helps a system designer
to select the necessary components needed for their concrete architectures.
Chapter 6 finally draws conclusions and describes how the sustenance of the
ARM will be ensured within the IoT Forum. The appendixes give respectively an
update of the terminology and a comprehensive set of Use Cases/Sequence
Charts and Interfaces relating directly to the IoT Reference Architecture

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