edifying ('ed· ̆·f ̄·in) adj. enlightening or uplifting with the aim of improving
intellectual or moral development; instructing, improving. His edifying speech
challenged the audience to devote more time to charitable causes.
efficacious (ef· ̆·'kay·shu ̆s) adj. acting effectively, producing the desired effect or
result. Margaret’s efficacious approach to her job in the collections department made
her a favorite with the CFO.
effrontery (i·'frun·te ̆·ree) n. brazen boldness, impudence, insolence. The customs
officials were infuriated by the effrontery of the illegal alien who nonchalantly carried
drugs into the country in his shirt pocket.
effusive (i·'fyoo·siv) adj. expressing emotions in an unrestrained or excessive
way; profuse, overflowing, gushy. Anne’s unexpected effusive greeting made
Tammy uncomfortable.
egalitarian (i·al·i·'tair·ee·a ̆n) adj. characterized by or affirming the principle of
equal political, social, civil, and economic rights for all persons. Hannah was
moved by the candidate’s egalitarian speech.
egregious (i·'ree·ju ̆s) adj. conspicuously and outrageously bad or offensive; fla-
grant. After her egregious accounting error cost the company thousands of dollars,
Enid was fired.
eke (eek) v. to get or supplement with great effort or strain; to earn or accom-
plish laboriously. Working two jobs enabled Quincy to eke out a living wage for his
élan (ay·'lahn) n. 1. vivacity, enthusiasm, vigor. 2. distinctive style or flair. The
new designer’s élan and originality were sure to help him succeed in the highly compet-
itive fashion industry.
elite (i·'leet) n. 1. the best or most skilled members of a social group or class.
- a person or group regarded as superior. Within the student orchestra, there
existed a small group of musical elite who performed around the country.
eloquent ('el·o ̆·kwe ̆nt) adj. expressing strong emotions or arguments in a power-
ful, fluent, and persuasive manner. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is con-
sidered one of the most eloquent speeches ever given by a U.S. president.
elusive (i·'loo·siv) adj. evasive, eluding the grasp; difficult to capture, describe or
comprehend. The bank robber was not caught during his first crime spree and he
proved to be a very elusive fugitive.
eminent ('em· ̆·ne ̆nt) adj. towering above or more prominent than others, lofty;
standing above others in quality, character, reputation, etc.; distinguished. The