Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion

(Dana P.) #1


789 Beginning of the Viking Expansion
c. 801–866 Al-Kindi, Islamic philosopher
c. 870–950 Al-Farabi, Islamic philosopher
962 The Holy Roman Empire is established
980–1037 Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Islamic philosopher
1017–1137 Ramanuja, founder of Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Hinduism
1033–1109 St. Anselm of Canterbury
1059–1111 Al-Ghazali, Islamic philosopher
1079–1142 Peter Abélard
1101–1164 Héloïse
1126–1198 Averroes (Ibn Rushd), Islamic philosopher
1135–1204 Moses Maimonides
c.1181–1226 St. Francis of Assisi
1214–1292 Roger Bacon
1215 Magna Carta signed
1221–1274 Bonaventure of Bagnoregio
1221–1327 Mongol Invasion of India
1225–1274 Thomas of Aquinas
1254–1324 Marco Polo
1265–1321 Dante Alighieri
c. 1266–1308 Duns Scotus
c. 1285–c. 1349 William of Ockham
c. 1299 Birth of the Ottoman Empire
c. 1304–c. 1576 The Renaissance
c. 1308–1321 Dante writes the Divine Comedy
1337 The Hundred Years War begins
c. 1400–64 Nicholas of Cusa
1433–99 Marsilio Ficino
1440 Guttenberg invents the printing press
1453 Constantinople falls to the Ottomans, ending the Byzantine era
1466–1536 Desiderius Erasmus
1469–1527 Niccolò Machiavelli
1478–1535 Thomas More
1483–1546 Martin Luther
1492 Columbus’ Voyage; The expulsion of the Jews from Spain
1498 Leonardo DaVinci paints The Last Supper
1509–1564 John Calvin
1513 Machiavelli writes Il Principe

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