Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion

(Dana P.) #1


1723–1790 Adam Smith
1724–1804 Immanuel Kant
1729–1797 Edmund Burke
1739–1740 Hume publishes A Treatise of Human Nature
1741 Roman Catholic Church condemns slavery
1748–1832 Jeremy Bentham
1759 Voltaire publishes Candide
1768–1834 Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher
1770–1831 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
1775–1854 Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling
1788–1860 Arthur Schopenhauer
1789–1799 French Revolution
1804–1872 Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach
1806–1873 John Stuart Mill
1806 The Holy Roman Empire dissolves
1809–1882 Charles Darwin
1813–1855 Sǿren Kierkegaard
1815 End of the Napoleonic Wars
1817–1892 Bahá’u’lláh, founder of the Baha’i faith
1818–1883 Karl Marx
1819–1850 The Báb, preached the coming of Bahá’u’lláh the prophet
1833 Slavery abolished in the British Empire
1838–1900 Henry Sidgwick
1839–1914 Charles Peirce
1842–1910 William James
1844–1900 Friedrich Nietzsche
1844–1921 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, son of Bahá’u’lláh, consolidated the foundation
of the Baha’i faith
1846–1924 F. H. Bradley
1856–1939 Sigmund Freud
1859 Darwin publishes “Origin of Species”
1859–1941 Henri Bergson
1859–1952 John Dewey
1861–1865 American Civil War
1861–1947 Alfred North Whitehead
1861 Serfdom abolished in Russia
1866 Mary Baker Eddy founds Christian Science
1868 End of Feudal Rule in Japan

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