Here we have a more fashionable look, with a variety of spikes and strands going off
in various directions. Spiky hair is a typical manga look, often in bright, vivid colors.
This style is in a bold blue, and is cut long at the sides in a contemporary fashion.
Practice in creating spiky styles is always worth it.
Start by drawing a
basic head, with two
eyes, nose, mouth, and
one ear. Then, starting
outside the head, draw
some long, spiky points
of hair across the face.
Add a couple of long
points of hair in front
of the ear. Then, again
starting outside the
head area, draw a
couple of similar length
points on the right.
From the same point as
last time, work around
the head, creating the
profile of the hair. Echo
the shape of the head,
adding a couple of
spikes on top.
Starting from where
you made your first
mark, ink the outline
of the hair. Ink behind
the bangs on the left-
hand side so that the
bangs look right.
Create an area of
highlight across the top
of the head using a fine
blue pen.
Color the hair blue. As
a finishing touch, indi-
cate a couple of stray
strands of hair across
the highlight, using a
fine pen.