
(Darren Dugan) #1



The text contains references or quotations from the following works,
many of which may now be out of print. 

Alexander, Frank, Psychosomatic Medicine
Arnold, Sir Edwin, Light of Asia, The
Atkinson, William W. and Walter, E. D., Reincarnation and the
Law of Kamma
Bodhi, Bhikkhu, (Ed.), A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma
Burlingame, Eugene Watson, Buddhist Legends
Canon. C. E. Raven, The Grounds of Christian Assumption
Cerminara, Gina, Many Mansions 
______ The World Within
Chalmers, Lord, Buddha’s Teaching: Being the Sutta-Nipáta or
______ Further Dialogues of the Buddha
Cornford, Frances, An Anthology of Modern Verse, reproduced in
The Buddhist Annual of Sri Lanka, 1927.
Dahlke, Dr. Buddhism
______ Buddhism and its Place in the Mental World 
______ Buddhism and Science
Davids, C.A.F., Dialogues of the Buddha
Davids, Rhys, Buddhism 
______ Buddhist Birth Stories 
______ Questions of King Milinda, The
Evans-Wents, Dr. W.T., The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Garbe, Greek Thinkers
Garrat, G. T., (Ed.) Legacy of India
Grimm, The Doctrine of the Buddha
Haldane, J.B.S., The Inequality of Mankind
Haeckel, Ernst, Riddle of the Universe, quoted in Russell, Religion
and Science
Hare, E. M., Hare, Gradual Sayings
Horner, I. B., The Book of Discipline
______ The Middle Length Sayings
Hoyle, Fred, The Nature of the Universe
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