
(Darren Dugan) #1


Gandhabba (being-to-be-born), 23,
225, 391
Gaóþha (ties), 325n.
Gati (birth), 216
favourable and unfavourable, 216
nimitta (symbol of destiny), 257ff.,
Gayá Sìsa, 62
Generosity, 21, 67n., 124, 211
first stage of the Buddhist life, 91
see also Dána
Germs, 188n., 191
Gijjhakúþa mountain, 88
Gimhána (hot season), 111
God, 196, 220, 221, 227– 229
Buddha not an incarnation of, 23n.
created by man after his own image,
may be subbstituted for kamma, 190
proof of existence impossible, 223n.
Go forth
for the good of the many, 59
from the household life (pabbajjá),
Golden Mean, 18
Gotrabhú, 20n.
Grasping, 21, 329
due to craving, 243
see also Upádána

Happiness, 72, 73, 118, 126, 164, 164–
causal law of, 164– 165
ten grades of, 291ff.
worldly, 291
see also Bliss, Sukha
Happy states
see also Sugati
seven, 251ff.
Harmlessness, 174–175, 181
see also Avihiísá
Hatred, 179, 180, 288, 326n.
antithesis of, 361

see also Dosa
Hell, 250ff.
Hemanta (winter season), 111
Heredity, 185ff., 234, 235
Hindrances, 307, ??– 316
Hindrances, see also Nivaraóa
Hinduism, 23n., 38n., 221, 392
Hiísá (cruelty), 358
Hiri (modesty, moral shame), 116
Homocentric, 46, 53
Iddhipáda (means of accomplish-
ment), 134n.
vimaísa-i., 350
Iddhividha (power to fly, walk on
water, etc.), 313
Ignorance, 32, 179, 181, 238, 238–239,
see also Avijjá, Moha
Ignorance, see Avijjá
also called Appamaññá, 359
see Brahmavihara
Image, 172, 302
object of worship, 156, 335
see also Nimitta
Impediments (kiñcana), 327, 376
Impermanent, 55, 311
of the body, meditation on, 417n.,
ten, 302, 303
Indakhìla (Indra’s post), 407n.
Indefinitely effective kamma, 204n.
Indifference, see Equanimity, Upekha
Individuals, eight, 309
Indriya (faculties), 183, 301, 350, 351
Inequality, 186
cause of, 184, 186– 189
Insight, 317ff.
nine kinds of, 318n.
see also Vipassaná
Instantaneous rebirth, 260ff.
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