
(Darren Dugan) #1


Dowry, 96, 100, 109
Dreams, 107, 342
Duggati (unhappty states), 251, 253,
Dukkha (suffering or sorrow), 161,
241, 317, 349, 375
dependent origination of, 28
happines and, 383
Noble Truth of, 46–48, 50ff., 176
Duties, 344ff., 344
of a wife, 97
Dvijaí (twice-born), 402n.
Dying thought-process, 257


Ecstasy, 5
of great compassion, 124, 126
nirodha-samápatti, 321
see also Jhána
Effect, 195, 290
cause and, 27
“Ehi bhikkhu” (“Come, oh bhikkhu!”),
Ekajaí (once-born), 402n.
Elements (dhátu)
reflection on, 418
see also Tejo, Váyo, Apo, Paþhavi
Endeavour, four modes of right, 351
Energy, 8, 183, 350ff.
kammic, 248ff., 259ff., 273
see also Viriya
Enlightenment, 38n., 331– 333
Buddha’s attainment of, 21– 26
Buddha’s struggle for, 13– 20
not attained by indulgence in sesual
pleasures or mortification of the
body, 43ff.
promised to disciples, 40
seven factors of, see Bojjhanga
supreme, 337ff., 396
symbol of, 156
thirty-seven constituents of, 135
see also Bodhi
Epekkhá (equanimity), 242, 312

illimitables, four, one of, 303
moral consciousness, 212
Equanimity, 292, 318, 337, 355–356,
see also Upekkha
Esoteric, exoteric, see Anataraí,
Eternalism, 47, 242, 326n.
Ethical System, 158ff.
Evil One, see Mára
Exhortation, final, 145
Extremes, 43–45, 271
Fable, 285ff.
not blind, 156, 158
Bsm. not a system of, 154
Four Noble Truths and, 165
in the Buddha, 90, 154
requisite for rebirth in heavenly
realms, 309
see also Saddhá
False views, 56n.
ten kinds of, 210
see also Diþþhi, Miccádiþþhì
Fatalism, 190, 221, 395
Feelings (vedaná), 62, 176, 241
contemplation of (v.-nupassaná),
not a saòkhárá, 238, 241
see also Vedaná
Fetters, 314, 331, 423
ten, 319–320, 407n.
two, 47
First cause, 220ff., 390
Fish and turtle, fable of, 285ff.
Flavour, ocean is of one, 162
Free will, 154, 190, 201
may be subordanited to habit, envi-
ronment, etc., 201
Gandha (odour), 240, 265
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