History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1
a Collation of the Textus Receptus, etc. Andover, 1876; also his Diatessaron, The Life of our
Lord in the Words of the Gospels, Andover, 1871); J. R. Gilmore and Lyman Abbott (The
Gospel History: being a Complete Chronological Narrative of the Life of our Lord, New York,
1881); W. G. Rushbrooke (Synopticon: an Exposition of the Common Matter in the Synoptic
Gospels, Cambridge, 1880–81, 2 parts; the Greek text of Tischendorf, corrected from Westcott
and Hort). The last work is unique and superbly printed. It marks the differences of the narratives
by different types and color, namely, the matter common to all Evangelists in red type, the
matter common to each pair in black spaced type or capitals, the matter peculiar to each in
ordinary black type. It furnishes the best basis for a detailed comparison and critical analysis.
II. Critical Discussions.
Nathaniel Lardner (1684–1768, a dissenting minister of great learning): The Credibility of the
Gospel History. First published in 17 vols. 8vo, London, 1727–1757, and in his collected Works,
ed. by A. Kippis, London, 1788 (in 11 vols.), vols. I.-V. Unsurpassed for honest and solid
learning, and still valuable.
J. G. Eichhorn (d. 1827): Allgem. Bibliothek der Bibl. Liter., vol. V. (1794), pp. 759 sqq. Einleitung
in das N. Testament., 1804, vol. I., 2d ed., 1820. Here he brought out his new idea of an
Herbert Marsh (Bishop of Peterborough, d. 1839): An Illustration of the Hypothesis proposed in
the Dissertation on the Origin and Composition of our Three First Canonical Gospels.
Cambridge, 1803. Also his translation of J. D. Michaelis: Introduction to the New Test., with
a Dissertation on the Origin and Composition of the Three First Gospels. London, 1802. A
modification of Eichhorn’s hypothesis.
Fr. Schleiermacher:Kritischer Versuch über die Schriften des Lucas. Berlin, 1817 (Werke I. 2, pp.
1–220); trans. by Thirlwall, Lond., 1825. Comp. his Einleitung in das N. Testament.
J. C. L. Gieseler: Historisch-kritischer Versuch über die Entstehung und die frühesten Schicksale
der schriftlichen Evangelien. Leipz., 1818.
Andrews Norton (a conservative Unitarian, died at Cambridge, 1853): The Evidences of the
Genuineness of the Gospels. Boston, 1837; 2d ed., Cambridge, Mass., 1846–1848, 3 vols.
Abridged ed. in 1 vol., Boston (Am. Unitar. Assoc.), 1867 and 1875. By the same: Internal
Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels (posthumous). Boston. 1855. With special reference
to Strauss.
Fr. Bleek (d. 1859):Beiträge zur Evangelien-Kritik. Berlin, 1846.
F. Chr. Baur (d. 1860):Kritische Untersuchungen über die kanonischen Evangelien. 1847. Comp.
the first volume of his Church History (Germ. ed., pp. 22 sqq., 148 sqq.).
Isaac Da Costa: The Four Witnesses: being a Harmony of the Gospels on a New Principle. Transl.
(from the Dutch) by David Scott, 1851; New York ed., 1855. Against Strauss.
Ad.Hilgenfeld (Tübingen School): Die Evangelien nach ihrer Entstehung und geschichtl. Bedeutung.
Leipz., 1854. His Einleitung, 1875.
Canon Westcott: Introduction to the Study of the Gospels. London and Boston, 1860; 7th ed.,
London, 1888. Very useful.
Const. Tischendorf (d. 1874): Wann wurden unsere Evangelien verfasst? Leipz., 4th ed., 1866
(Engl. transl. by W. L. Gage, Boston, 1868).

A.D. 1-100.

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