History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1
•Encyclopédie des sciences religieuses, Paris, 1877–’82, in 13 vols., with supplement
•English Com.
•G. 1839 ("Verm. Schriften," ed. Döllinger, II. 261 sqq.).
•G. Gött. 1801.
•General Church History
•General History of the Christian Religion and Church
•Geschichte der Pflanzung und Leitung der christlichen Kirche durch die Apostel., I. 3, 4
•Geschichte der Religion Jesu Christi
•Geschichte des römischen Kaiserreichs unter der Regierung des Nero. Berlin, 1872.
•Geschichte u. Literatur der K. Geschichte. Hann. 1827.
•Geschichtswissenschaft. Berlin, 1886.
•Gnostic Heresies (1818)
•Gott in der Geschichte oder der Fortschritt des Glaubens an eine sittliche Weltordnung. Bd. I.
Leipz. 1857. (Erstes Buch. Allg. Einleit. p. 1–134.) Engl. Transl.: God in History. By S. Winkworth.
Lond. 1868. 3 vols.
•Grundriss der Historik. Leipz. 1868; new ed. 1882.
•Grundsätze der zur K. Gesch. nöthigen Vorbereitungslehren u. Bücherkenntnisse. 3d ed. Giessen,
•Handbook of Christian Church History
•Handbuch der mathemat. und technischen Chronologie (Berlin, 1826, vol. III. 400 sqq.)
•Heidenthum und Judenthum. Vorhalle zur Geschichte des Christenthums. Regensb. 1857. Engl.
transl. by N. Darnell under the title: The Gentile and the Jew in the courts of the Temple of Christ:
an Introduction to the History of Christianity. Lond. 1862, 2 vols.
•Hist oriae Sacrae Epitome
•Hist. of the Apostolic Church. pp. 137–188 (New York ed.).
•Histoire du Christianisme
•Histoire ecclésiastique
•Historia Ecclesiastica
•Historia Ecclesiastica N. Testamenti
•Historia Ecclesiastica Veteris et Nova Testamenti
•Historia Tripartita
•Historiae Ecclesiasticae V. et N. Testamenti
•Historical Commentaries on the State of Christianity in the first three centuries. 1753. Transl. by
Vidal and Murdock, vol. i. chs. 1 and 2 (pp. 9–82, of the N. York ed. 1853).
•History a Christian Doctrines
•History of Christian Doctrine (N. York, 1863, 2 vols.)
•History of Christology.
•History of European Morals (vol. II. 9)
•History of Methodism
•History of Natural Theology (God in Human Thought, N. York, 1874, 2 vols.)
•History of the Apostolic Church
•History of the Apostolic Church; with a General Introduction to Ch. H. (N. York, 1853), pp. 1–134.
•History of the Christian Church

A.D. 1-100.

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