Basic Woodworking

(Wang) #1



Unit Prompts

Answers to prompts must include one reference from the class text and one
reference from an internet article (dictionary and encyclopedia resources will
not be accepted). Be sure to put quotation marks around your citations, number
them, and place footnotes at the bottom of your paper to reference where your
citation came from.

Prompt 26: In 150 words, define “Work Ethic”

Prompt 27: Create your own “Code of Work Ethic.” List at least five work
ethic standards you will strive to live by and explain what each
means to you..

Prompt 28: In 150 words, explain what it means to be self-motivated and to
take initiative.

Prompt 29: In 150 words, explain what it means to manage your time wisely
and how you plan on being a good time manager.

Prompt 30: In 150 words, explain what it means to you to be a “hard
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