(John Hannent) #1

Contraindications: None.

  1. Parental presence/absence involves either allowing or removing the parent(s) from
    the dental surgery in order to gain cooperation.


(i) To gain the patient's attention and compliance.
(ii) To avert negative or avoidance behaviours.
(iii) To establish appropriate adult-child roles.
(iv) To enhance the communication environment.

Indications: May be used with any patient.

Contraindications: None.

  1. Hand over mouth exercise is a technique for managing unsuitable behaviour that
    cannot be modified by the more straightforward techniques. It is often used with
    inhalation sedation (conscious sedation).


(i) To redirect the child's attention, enable communication with the dentist so that
appropriate behavioural expectations can be explained.
(ii) To extinguish excessive avoidance behaviour and help the child regain self-
(iii) To ensure the child's safety in the delivery of quality dental treatment.
(iv) To reduce the need for sedation or general anaesthesia.


(i) A healthy child who is able to understand and co-operate, but who exhibits
obstreperous or hysterical avoidance behaviours.


(i) In children who, due to age, disability, medication, or emotional immaturity are
unable to verbally communicate, understand, and co-operate.
(ii) Any child with an airway obstruction.

Other techniques such as sedation in all its forms and general anaesthesia are
described elsewhere.


  1. To prevent the development of anxiety it is more important to maintain trust than
    concentrate on finishing a clinical task.

  2. The reduction in dental caries means that children with special psychological,

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