Marketing Communications

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Marketing Communications


Advertising Techniques

DISTINCTIVENESS: sounding different from the other messages and setting your product, service
or message apart from others are not easy on radio. Employ every possible means – a fresh approach,
a musical phrase, a particular voice quality or sound effect – to give your message its own character.

COMPULSION: inject your message with a feeling of urgency. The first few seconds are crucial ones,
to capture the listener’s attention. Direct every word toward morning listeners closer to waiting the
product or listen to the message.


Writing scripts for radio and television advertisements are more complicated, it is therefore suggested
that such scripts should be prepared with the assistance of an advertising agency or a public relations
practitioner. However, such scripts would be brought for your approval as the advertiser; the material
written here will give you good ideas about both scripts which increases your ability to suggest corrections
or modifications before granting a production approval.

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