Marketing Communications

(vip2019) #1
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Marketing Communications
Advertising Media

Spot announcements are very valuable when used in the following ways:

  1. To stretch a limited advertising budget. The advertiser pays only for the time period in
    which his commercial is run.

  2. To secure repetition and frequency of contractor exposure. Repetition and frequency can
    be increased, because no programme costs are paid.

  3. To secure maximum scheduling flexibility, since spot announcements can be scheduled on
    a time available basis or cancelled overnight.

  4. To put maximum pressure on a market during the product’s peak selling season.

Many of the disadvantages of network television can be overcome through use of spot announcements
on local radio or television stations purchased on a market-by-market (not network) basis.


  1. GEOGRAPHIC AND TIME FLEXIBILITY: the problem of purchasing network programme
    time is the commitment of the message to appear in nearly all markets where the programme
    is transmitted, despite the difference in market potentials. Spot announcements are an
    effective alternative when the creative advantages are desired. Total costs are usually reduced
    through minimization of waste coverage.

  2. RESELLER SUPPORT: spot announcement can be used effectively in cooperative advertising
    programmes, for identification of local dealers, and in other ways, to achieve dealer support.


  1. CHAOTIC BUYING PROCEDURE: when local time is purchased, the buying situation
    can become chaotic. There is little uniformity in rates or in quantity discount plans. In
    addition, favoured advertisers receive desirable time periods, and a personal relationship,
    also difficult negotiations may be necessary to achieve the best time purchase.

  2. COMMERCIAL CLUTTER: an excess of commercials can occur with a station having to
    crowd various messages within the time of exposure, thus leading to a problem of lower
    recall of brand advertised.

  3. STATION BREAK PERIODS: because the station will frequently interrupt the local
    programme to insert spot announcement, the audience or viewership number may tend to
    reduce as many people may stay away when the spot announcement interruptions come
    on air.


The broadcast day is divided into time periods called DAYPARTS, with each part of the day’s air time
targeted at various market segments identified through research.

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