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Advertising Research
NEED FOR INFORMATION: establishing the need for advertising research or information is the initial
steps in the survey process. The researcher must understand why the information is needed and define
precisely the pertinent information required for making decision about the situation under consideration
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND INFORMATION NEEDS: the research must specify the objectives
of the proposed research and develop a specific list of information needs.
DATA SOURCES: determine the source or sources of data, whether the data are currently available
from sources internal or external to the organization. Internal sources include previous research studies
and company records. External sources include commercial research reports, government reports, and
advertising agencies’ research reports. If the data are not available from internal or external sources, the
firm can collect new data by means of mail, telephone, personal interviews, observation, experimentation
and simulation.
DATA COLLECTION FORMS: the form should be prepared in a manner that establishes an effective
link between the information needs and the questions to be asked or the observation to be recorded.
SAMPLE DESIGN: in its design, a clear definition of the population from which the sample is to be
drawn must be established. The method used to select the sample can be classified as to whether they
involve a probability or non-probability procedure and the size of the sample must also be established.
DATA COLLECTION: the process by which data would be collected must be established, whether
it would be done by communication through the use of questionnaire or observation. The process
may determine the research budget and other factors, including the selection, training and control of
DATA PROCESSING: the processing of data includes the functions of editing and coding. Editing
involves reviewing the data forms as to legibility, consistency, and completeness. Coding involves
establishing categories for responses or groups of responses so that numerals can be used to represent
the categories. The data are then ready for hand tabulation or computer data analysis.
DATA ANALYSIS: the data analysis should be done and made consistent with the requirements of the
information needs that have been identified.
PRESENTATION OF RESULTS: the research results are communicated to the firm through a written
report and oral presentation in a simple format that addresses the information needs of the decision
situations. (Vanden Bergh and Katz, 1999).