Chapter 9
byte dataToWrite;
dataToWrite = 65;
binaryWriter1.Write( dataToWrite );
The Read method can read a received byte into a byte array:
Dim receivedData(0) As Byte
binaryReader1.Read(receivedData, 0, 1)
byte[] receivedData = new byte[ 1 ];
binaryReader1.Read( receivedData, 0, 1 );
Console.WriteLine((char)( receivedData[ 0 ] ) );
The Write method can also write just about any data type. For example, a
BinaryWriter object can write an Int32 value:
Dim valueToWrite As Int32
valueToWrite = 66
Int32 dataToWrite;
dataToWrite = 66;
binaryWriter1.Write( dataToWrite );
Each Int32 value written to the port is four bytes. For example, writing an
Int32 with a value of 66 (42h) writes the bytes 42h, 00h, 00h, 00h to the port.
The receiving computer can store the value in an Int32 variable:
Dim receivedData As Int32
receivedData = binaryReader1.ReadInt32
Int32 receivedData;
receivedData = binaryReader1.ReadInt32();
The ReadInt32 method returns on receiving four bytes.