
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Horizontal Boring Jig for Turned Posts


WAS RECENTLY FACED WITHthe challenge of drilling precisely
centered holes along the centerline axis of some turned posts.
Because the bed of my lathe wasn’t long enough to accommodate the
posts, I built a horizontal boring jig using plywood scraps and com-
mon iron pipe.
The jig consists of a bed and two carriages, one for the drill and
another for supporting the work. First I glued up a hollow plywood
box, 16 in. long, with three compartments running the full length. I
routed grooves for the vertical walls into the top and bottom of the
box. Then I carefully spaced and sized the plywood pieces so that the
iron pipe would fit snugly in the openings. Later, I cut this box into
four sections to make the two carriages and two pipe housings
in the bed.


locks carriage
in place.

Screw center of work-
piece through back of jig.

Holes sized
to fit pipe.

Drill carriage
Iron pipe

Make plywood box.
Saw into four pieces
for carriages and
pipe housings.

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