
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Folding Sandpaper


ERE’S A METHOD FORfolding sandpaper that my father, a car-
penter, showed me in 1940.
Take a sheet of sandpaper, fold and crease it in half in both direc-
tions as though preparing to cut quarter sheets. Cut along any crease,
stopping at the center of the sheet. It does not take a rocket scientist
to figure out how to fold the sheet so that you don’t mate a grit side
to a grit side.
—REXHEADLAND,Pasadena, Newfoundland


  1. Fold so that
    grit sides do not
    mate to grit sides.
    Pad is complete.

  2. Fold one side;
    tuck into
    opposite crease.

  3. Fold sandpaper in
    quarters; slit one side
    to center along fold.

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