
(Chris Devlin) #1
English for science and technology

which English does not play an important role in internal communication
(China, Japan, and Korea, for example), is said to be learning English as
a foreign language. Someone who learns English in a setting in which the
language is necessary for everyday life (for example, an immigrant learning
English in the US) or in a country in which English plays an important role
in education, business, and government (for example in Singapore, the
Philippines, India, and Nigeria) is learning English as a second language.

English as a second language programme n
also ESL/ESOL programme
a programme for teaching English to speakers of other languages in
English-speaking countries. ESL programmes are generally based on
particular language teaching methods and teach language skills (speaking,
understanding, reading, and writing). They may be school programmes for
immigrant and other non-English-speaking children, used together with
bilingual educationor with regular school programmes, or community
programmes for adults.

Englishes n
a term used to reflect the fact that many different varieties of English exist
today, including those spoken in countries where English is a mother
tongue (e.g. the US, Canada), and those where it is spoken as a second
language (e.g. India, Philippines).
Thus there are said to be many different Englishes spoken today.
see English as an international language

English for Academic Purposes n
English language courses designed to help learners study, conduct research,
or teach in English, usually in universities or other post-secondary settings.
Such courses may prepare students to take tests such as TOEFLor ielts, they
may prepare students to be able to deal with listening, speaking, reading and
writing demands in academic courses, and may also address study skills.
EAP is a branch of English for special or specific purposesand based
on the study of how language is used for academic purposes.

English for general purposes n
also EGP
see English for special purposes

English for science and technology n
also EST
see English for special purposes

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