
(Chris Devlin) #1

English for Speakers of Other Languages n
also ESOL
see English as a second language (1)

English for special purposes n
also English for specific purposes, ESP
the role of English in a language course or programme of instruction in
which the content and aims of the course are fixed by the specific needs of a
particular group of learners. For example courses in English for academic
purposes, English for science and technology, and English for Nursing.
These courses may be compared with those which aim to teach general
language proficiency, English for general purposes.
see also languages for special purposes

English medium school n
a school in which English is used as the major medium of instruction. This
term is usually used in countries where English is a second language.

English only n
a term for a movement and philosophy in the US that seeks to make English the
official language of the US and to discourage the use of bilingual education.

English plus n
a term for a movement and philosophy in the US that advocates the belief
that all US residents should have the opportunity to become proficient in a
language other than English.

enhanced input n
a type of spoken or written input provided to language learners in which
some target language features are made more salient, such as by increasing
their frequency or in speech by using stress or intonation to highlight them.

entailment n
a relationship between two or more sentences (strictly speaking proposi-
tions). If knowing that one sentence is true gives us certain knowledge of
the truth of the second sentence, then the first sentence entails the second.
Entailment is concerned with the meaning of the sentence itself (see utter-
ance meaning). It does not depend on the context in which a sentence is used.
see also implication, utterance meaning, presuppostion

entry n
(in teaching) that part of a lesson which begins it. An effective lesson is said
to focus learners’ attention on the lesson, inform them of the goals of the

English for Speakers of Other Languages
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