
(Chris Devlin) #1

equating n
also test equating
a process of establishing the scores that are equivalent on multiple forms
of a test that measure the same trait. Equating enables the scores of the
equated forms of a test to be used interchangeably.

equative adj
also equational
a sentence in which the subjectand complementrefer to the same person
or thing is called an equative sentence.
For example, the English sentence:
Susan is the girl I was talking about.
subject complement

equilibration n
another term for adaptation^2

equivalent form reliability n
another term for alternate form reliability

equivalent forms n
another term for parallel forms

an abbreviation for ethical review board

ergative adj
a term originally referring to languages in which the complement of a tran-
sitive verb and the subject of an intransitive verb are assigned the same case^1.
By extension, sometimes used to refer to English verbs such as break, which
can occur in sentences such as He broke the windowand The window
broke, where the windowseems to have the same thematic rolein the
two sentences even though on the surface it is object in one sentence and
subject in the other.

ergative verb n
a verb that can be either transitiveor intransitiveand whose subject
when intransitive corresponds to the direct object when transitive. For
example, boilin:
He boiled a kettle of water.
The kettle boiled.

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