
(Chris Devlin) #1
lesson and what they are expected to learn, and serve as an “organizer”,
preparing them for an upcoming activity.
see also closure

entry test n
another term for placement test

epenthesis nepenthetic adj
the addition of a vowel or consonant at the beginning of a word or between
sounds. This often happens in language learning when the language which
is being learned has different combinations of vowels or consonants from
the learner’s first language. For example, Spanish learners of English often
say [espipk] espeak for speak, as Spanish does not have words starting with
the consonant cluster/sp/. Many speakers of other languages do not use
combinations like the /lm/ or /lp/ of English and add an epenthetic vowel,
for example [filvm] filemfor film, and [helvp] helep forhelp.
see also elision, intrusion

epiphenomenalism n
the theory that events in the nervous system give rise to consciousness, but
consciousness cannot effect events in the nervous system. That is, thoughts
have no effect on behaviour.

episodic memory n
that part of the memorywhich is organized in terms of personal experiences
and episodes.
For example, if a subject was asked the question “What were you doing on
Friday night at 7 pm?” he or she may think of all the things that happened
from 5 pm up to 7 pm. The person builds up a sequence of events or episodes
to help find the wanted information. Episodic memory may be contrasted
with semantic memory. Semantic memory is that part of the memory in
which words are organized according to semantic groups or classes. Words
are believed to be stored in long term memory according to their semantic
properties. Thus canary is linked in memory to bird, and roseis linked to
flower. These links are a part of semantic memory.

equated forms n
two or more forms of a test whose test scores have been transformed onto
the same scale so that a comparison across different forms of a test is made
possible. For example, if both X and Y are equated forms of test Z, the test
takers’ scores will not be affected by which form of the test they take (i.e. X
or Y).

equated forms
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