
(Chris Devlin) #1
it is still used in some countries today. A typical lesson consists of the
presentation of a grammatical rule, a study of lists of vocabulary, and a
translation exercise. Because the Grammar Translation Method emphasizes
reading rather than the ability to communicate in a language there was a
reaction to it in the nineteenth century (see natural approach, direct
method), and there was later a greater emphasis on the teaching of
spoken language.

grammatical^1 adjgrammaticality n
a phrase, clause, or sentence which is acceptable because it follows the
rules of a grammar (see grammar^1 ), is described as grammatical. For
example, the English sentence:
They walk to school.
would be a grammatical sentence according to a grammar of Standard
English, but the sentence:
They walks to school.
would be considered ungrammatical according to such a grammar.

grammatical^2 adjgrammaticality n
in generative grammar, a sentence is grammatical if it follows the rules
of a native speaker’s competence. For example:
The teacher who the man who the children saw pointed out is a cousin of
would be a grammatical sentence because it can be generated by the rules
of the grammar. However, it could be regarded as unacceptable because of
its involved structure which makes it difficult for a listener to understand
see alsoacceptable

grammatical ambiguity n
see ambiguous

grammatical aspect n
see aspect

grammatical category^1 n
a class or group of items which fulfil the same or similar functions in a
particular language. For example, case^1 , person, tense^1 , andaspectare
grammatical categories. Some linguists also refer to related groups of words
such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives as grammatical categories but these
groups are usually referred to in traditional grammar asparts of

grammatical category
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