
(Chris Devlin) #1

grammatical category^2 n
(in generative grammar) a concept such as a sentence, a noun phrase,
a verb. Grammatical categories are shown by category symbols such as S,
NP, and V.

grammatical competence n
see communicative competence

grammatical function n
the relationship that a constituent in a sentence has with the other
constituents. For example, in the English sentence:
Peter threw the ball.
Peter has the function of being the subject of the verb throw, and the ball
has the function of being the object of the verb.

grammaticality judgment taskn
a task in which speakers of a language are presented with linguistic stimuli
(typically sentences) and asked to judge whether or not they are correct in
the language. Such tasks are widely used in linguistic theory to formulate
and refine claims about a speaker-hearer’s internal grammar or competence.
see also acceptability judgement task

grammatical meaning n
see content word

grammatical metaphorn
see metaphor

grammatical morpheme n
see morpheme

grammatical sensitivity n
see language aptitude

grammatical syllabus n
another term for structural syllabus

grammatical word n
see content word

grave accent n
the accent, e.g. on French près“near”.
see also accent^2

grammatical category
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