
(Chris Devlin) #1

inservice educationn
see preservice education

Institute of Translation and Interpretingn
also ITI
see translation, interpretation

institutional discoursen
also institutional language
patterns of discourse used in institutional contexts that reflect how inter-
actions and language use are shaped by the conventions of institutional
settings as well as by the need for participants to create face, agency, power,
roles and institutional identities.

institutional review boardn
also IRB, human subjects committee, ethical review board (ERB)
a board or committee that reviews research proposals to make sure that
ethical and legal guidelines are being followed to protect the rights and
welfare of research subjects or participants.

instructed second language learningn
also instructed SLA
learning a second or foreign language partly or completely in a classroom
setting. This can be contrasted with naturalistic second language
learning, which takes place through interaction with native speakers
without the benefit of instruction.

instructional frameworkn
the overall conceptual plan and organization used to design a lesson or a
unit of instructional materials or to analyze teaching.

instructional objectiven
another term for behavioural objective

instruction textn
see text types

instrumental casen
(in case grammar) the noun or noun phrase that refers to the means by
which the action of the verb is performed is in the instrumental case.
For example, in the sentences:
He dug the hole with a spade.
The hammer hit the nail.
a spadeand the hammerare in the instrumental case.

instrumental case
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