
(Chris Devlin) #1

norm^2 n
(in testing and statistics) the scores or typical performance of a particular
group (the “norm” group) as measured in some way. Norms may be used
to compare the performance of an individual or group with the norm
group. Norms may be expressed by reference to such factors as age, length
of previous instruction, or percentile rank on a test.

normal distribution n
(in statistics) a commonly occurring distribution of scores, in which
scores rise and fall gradually from a single peak. It forms a symmetrical
bell-shaped curve. In a normal distribution, the mean, median, and mode
all coincide, and the information necessary for describing the distribution is
given in the mean and the standard deviation (sd).

normative grammar

The graph above shows the percentage of people who fall in various por-
tions of the normal distribution. For example, approximately 68% of the
people fall in the range between one SD below and one SD above the mean.
Thus if a test has a mean of 100 and an SD of 10 and its scores are normally
distributed, then approximately 68% of the people who took this test have
test scores between 90 and 100 (i.e. 100 -10 (=one SD below the mean) and
100 +10 (=one SD above the mean)).

normalized standard score n
(in statistics) a standard score which has been converted to a normal
distribution through a statistical procedure. For example a percentile
ranking is a normalized standard score.

normative grammar n
a grammar which contains rules for what is considered to be correct or
appropriate usage. The rules may be based on classical literary works or the

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