
(Chris Devlin) #1

othering n
the idea that individuals and societies often define themselves in opposition
to others. Othering of another group typically involves maintaining social
distance and making often negative value judgements about the other group.
In feminist studies, it has been pointed out that male-dominated cultures
treat women as others in contrast to a male norm, and writer Edward Said
applied the concept to views of colonized peoples as excluded others. Some
suggest the term non-native speakeris an example of othering in TESOL.

other repair n
see repair

outcomes-based teaching/education n
alsostandards-based education
an approach to education and curriculum development which involves (a)
describing the learning outcomes that students should know at the end of
a course of instruction (b) devising a curriculum to help them achieve the
outcomes (c) using the outcomes achieved as a measure of effectiveness. In
some parts of the world, particularly in the US, this approach is thought
necessary to ensure that students graduate from high school with the
knowledge and skills they will need in the real world.
see also competency-based education standards

outcome variable n
another term for dependent variable

outlier n
an extreme score. Typically any scores that fall beyond +or - 3 standard
deviations from the mean are considered outliers.

outline n outlining v
(in composition) a plan for an essay or piece of writing which presents the
main points the essay will cover and the order in which they will be men-
tioned. In an outline, main points are distinguished from supporting details,
sometimes using systems of numerals and letters.
Several kinds of outlines are often used.
1 Topic Outline: each entry is a word or group of words.
2 Sentence Outline: similar to a topic outline except that the words are
replaced by sentences.
3 Paragraph Outline: this contains only a list of topic sentencesfor each

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