
(Chris Devlin) #1


paced reading v
1 a reading activity designed to develop students’ reading speed, in which
students read at a fixed rate determined by the teacher (e.g. 100 wpm),
the reading rate gradually being increased over time.
2 in developing reading skills, the use of software in which the computer
scrolls text down the screen at a rate predetermined by the reader in
order to encourage faster reading.

in teaching, the speed at which material is covered during a lesson including
the rhythm of a class and the degree to which class time is used well. Teachers
use different strategies to ensure that pacing is appropriate. Determination
of pace for some activities may be determined by learners: this is known as
learner-paced instruction. When teachers make pacing decisions it is known
as teacher-paced instruction. For example teachers may provide a public
summary of progress or announce a time frame for activities.

paired-associate learningn
a learning task in which pairs of words or other items are presented and the
learner is required to make associations between them. For example:
horse– brown
bird– blue
table – white
The learner is tested with the first member of the pair to see if the second
item can be remembered.
see alsoassociative learning

pair workn
also pair practice
(in language teaching) a learning activity which involves learners working
together in pairs.
see also group work

an articulation involving the front of the tongue and the hard palate, for
example the initial sound in English you.
see place of articulation

see assimilation

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