
(Chris Devlin) #1
1 defining a problem or task in as much detail as possible
2 devising a procedure for carrying out the task
3 checking that the procedure will work under all circumstances
4 writing the instructions that form the actual program. These are written
in a programming language consisting of a set of characters and rules
with specific meanings and functions.

programme designn
another term for course design

programmed learningn
also programmed instruction
an approachto the design of teaching/learning in which the subject matter
to be learned is presented as an ordered sequence of items, each of which
requires a response from the learner. The student then compares his or her
response with the correct response which is provided.
In a linear programme students work through learning material which is
presented in graded units, at their own pace.
In a branching programme a student who has difficulty with a particular
item is directed to supplementary or revision material in a separate part
(a “branch”) of the programme. Then the student is returned to the main
programme. Linear programmes and branching programmes may be

programme evaluationn
the determination of how successful an educational programme or curriculum
is in achieving its goals.
see alsoevaluation, formative evaluation, summative evaluation

programming languagen
see program

progressiven, adj
also continuous
a grammatical aspectin some languages which indicates that an action
is incomplete, in progress, or developing. The progressive in English is
formed with the auxiliary verb beand the -ingform of the verb (e.g. She
is wearingcontact lenses. They were crossingthe road when the accident

progressive assimilationn
see assimilation

programme design
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