
(Chris Devlin) #1

representation n
a notational device (such as a tree diagram) used to represent syntactic
structure. By extension, an assumed counterpart of such devices in the

representative n
see speech act classification

representative sample n

research n
the study of an event, problem or phenomenon using systematic methods, in
order to understand it better and to develop principles and theories about it.
see also action research, data, experimental method, hypothesis,

residual hearing n
see hearing impaired, auditory/oral method

resource management strategies n
see learning strategy

response n
1 see stimulus-response theory, behaviourism
2 seecue

restricted code n
see code^2

restrictive relative clause n
another term for defining relative clause

restructuring n
1 in language acquisition, the integration of new forms into the learner’s
language system in a way which triggers reorganization of the learner’s
language system. Either declarative knowledge or procedural
knowledge can be restructured. From an information-processing
perspective, when acquiring complex skills learners create new mental
structures to accommodate the new knowledge they acquire. As learning
proceeds this requires the reorganization of already acquired knowledge
in order to be able to use it more efficiently. Complex skills such as those

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