
(Chris Devlin) #1

routine n
also formula, formulaic speech/expressions/language, conventionalized
speech, prefabricated language/speech, fixed expression
(generally) a segment of language made up of several morphemes or words
which are learned together and used as if they were a single item. For example
How are you? With best wishes, To Whom it May Concern, You must be
kidding. Researchers use different names for these routines. A routine or
formula which is used in conversation is sometimes called a conversational
routine (e.g. that’s all for now, How awful!, you don’t say, the thing is....
Would you believe it!) and one used to show politeness, a politeness formula
(e.g. Thank you very much).
see also gambit, idiom, utterance

routines n
in teaching, procedures used by learners for accomplishing particular class-
room tasks. Routines govern physical relationships, space, materials and
procedures, e.g. for establishing student groups, asking questions. Effective
use of routines is essential for the successful functioning of classrooms and
is considered a basic teaching skill.

routinization n
the process by which controlled processes become routine, in the sense
that they are done without explicit deliberation and require little attention,
thereby allowing attention to be focused when it is most needed. In the
information processing model of language learning, it is considered
essential that many low-level processes of speech production and compre-
hension must become routinized so that a speaker’s or hearer’s attention
can be focused on meaning or on aspects of language that are not yet fully
established within the learner’s interlanguage.

RP n
an abbreviation for received pronunciation

an abbreviation for Royal Society of Arts, a British multi-disciplinary
institution, best known for creating the RSA Examinations Board (now
part of the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations Board). The Cam-
bridge RSA CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) is
a widely recognized teaching qualification for English language teachers.
It was formerly known as the CTEFLA and the RSA Certificate.

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